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A Woman's Work is Never Done

(even without children)
1). Get up with alarm at 5:30 am (hit knees to ask God to direct my day),
2). Get self ready for work, (place a load of laundry in the washer),
3). Go to the bathroom, (clean out the toilet, pick-up any towels and put up new ones),
4). Grab lunch from refrigerator, prepare a nutritious breakfast of yogurt or whole grain cereal, (pick-up previous night's mess, time permitting),
5). Drive to work, stop off at Starbucks or Cutter's Point for a decent cup of coffee,
6). Work a full-time work schedule with a half hour lunch break,
7). Clock-out of work, stop off at bank and/or post office for the office on the way home,
8). Make any number of side trips on the way home such as: nursing home to visit husband's mother (drop off payment once-per-month); grocery store if something needed to make dinner or for the weekly shopping; Sam's Club for monthly AA cake and/or stop off at Chase to deposit weekly AA monies; Reber Ranch to pick-up wild bird food; TJ Maxx to check clearance racks,
9). Arrive home to love up the cat while sitting in the bathroom doing my business,
10). Pick-up any cosmetics, clothing, or clutter left out from morning routine.
11). Do another load of laundry, fold the morning laundry, etc.
12). Pick up the clutter from livingroom left over from the night before,
13). Pick up any dishes or kitchen mess left over from the night before or the morning,
14). Figure out and/or prepare dinner or abandon the idea in favor of junk food or dining out,
15). Pick up any dishes or kitchen mess, if not too tired and/or lazy,
16). Water plants. indoor and/or outdoor,
17). Mow the grass of our 1/2-acre - split into 2-day chore, if necessary and weather-permitting,
18). Sit outside for awhile (weather-permitting), play with the cat, read a book, download an audiobook, play with my photography, blog, or watch mindless television, (intersperse with the following chores: hand-trim bushes, fill the birdfeeder, pull some weeds, water the lawn dragging around 3 hoses, make sure the bills are paid in a timely manner),
19). Make sandwiches for lunches, (clean up the mess and try to figure out tomorrow's meal plan)
20.) Prepare coffee and set for automatic start for 3:30 am,
21.) Prepare for 9 pm bedtime, setting alarm to go off at 5:30 am for myself, (maybe do a last load of drying or set the dishwasher),
22.) Insert earbuds to listen to an audiobook chapter. (Thank God for the blessing of another day.) (Oh yeah, prepare to show interest if husband is in-the-mood).


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