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Showing posts from January, 2013

Who Am I? A Lover of People

I suppose when one stares into the face of their own mortality, they ask themselves, "How will I be remembered?".  I did.  And I realize that I haven't an iota of control in that arena.  People will judge me as they will; by deeds, or the lack thereof.  I'm not even certain how I would want to be thought of if I were granted that power. Add caption I would like to think that I was a pleasant person for the most part though no one can claim a lifetime of pleasantness.  There were certainly many times when I was a pissant.  I'd like to think that pleasant outweighs pissant by a ton on my scorecard and that I don't count too heavily on my intentions. I think I would like a shot at telling my story myself rather than have it told through others whom I may not have made my views clear to.  People have tried to tell me my views my whole life.  They have often made the mistake that by not verbally opposing them that I share their views.  T...


My new passion is swim aerobics . Yup, that thing that old ladies and fat people do (I am double-qualified or triple, if you count handicapped.)  I love it!!!  With the strength and dexterity in my limbs receding, I have found the thing that gives me back the ability to move my limbs and body more freely (at least whilst in the water).  I was shocked to discover that I can do the high intensity aerobic workout with a few modifications to accommodate the severe weakness and lack of extension to my right hand and arm.  This is great news to me for feeling as healthy as possible as my lungs are as yet unaffected by my disease and this keeps it that way...for awhile. Potential drawbacks were removed as my mother and sister pick me up, help me undress/redress, and drop me back home.  It is also a bonus to be able to do a positive activity as a family that actually helps us all; mom with fibromyalgia, sister with multiple myeloma (cancer), and me with ...