1 24 Glittering Birthday tiara, emblazoned with "Birthday Bitch", sent forth by my surviving sister, sits askew the lampshade. A half eaten bag of tortilla chips remains on the table, dyed navy and green, in honor of the Seattle Seahawks. Perfuming the air, a squat, clear, vase filled with short-cut, long-stemmed, white and red roses. Birthday cards litter my counter and tabletop, wishing me a "Happy Birthday" in varying shades of funny. One tells me my sister "squeezed a unicorn to make me a rainbow" and there sits a rainbow-hued pile of poop. Another tells me a "Birthday Hug is Incoming" as a grey kitten flies through the air, from my husband. Still another, tells me that my mother "was going to get a flash mob together to do a birthday dance"; when you open the card, it belts out "Everybody Dance Now" and a little man vibrating (dancing). One good musical card deserves another and I have one left from last year from my...
One Woman's ALS Journey