Just when I thought I was all alone and lonely, I picked up the phone and I wasn't so lonely anymore. Friends are just the best when we can turn the frown upside down and uplift each other.
My friend, Sunny, brought sunshine into the rainy day of my life by listening to a letter I composed with the thought of sending it to an estranged friend. She pointed out that we are not to be sorry for our feelings. Our feelings are our feelings and they are valid and necessary. We are allowed to be sorry for our actions, or inaction as it were. I agree.
Another friend, Gabe, temporarily housebound due to illness, made my day by allowing me to commisseurate with him about how awful we feel about being unemployed. He showed me how we were alike in this regard, feeling useless and ashamed, but taking heart in the that this likely temporary. I also lamented the loss of a friend and the estrangement of another and told him about the steps I was taking to amend the estrangement. Validation from trusted friends and confidantes is like gold to me.
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