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Wanna Make God Laugh? Tell Him Your Plans.

Back in April 2012, I detailed a deteriorating health condition that was causing loss of strength, muscle spasms, and a whole lot of angst surrounding a decision I made to file a Labor & Industries claim.  On September 11th, while our country was re-counting our losses when those airplanes hit the twin towers, I experienced my own personal 9-Eleven.  My third EMG administered by a neurologist revealed that my supposed "nerve pinch in my neck" was much more grave than I could possibly realize...He told me that I had ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's disease).

If you are unaware of the details of this disease then you are not alone.  I only knew that it was a death sentence and I was emotionally "knocked off my feet".  My anguish knew no bounds as I tried to catch my breathe so I could drive myself home.  I walked into my doctor's office holding out hope that they would locate the errant nerve root and fix it even if it meant the dreaded surgery so I could get on the road to recovery that I might be able to continue with my life and find a new job.  (Oh, I was fired from my job for filing the L&I claim which is supposedly illegal in the state of Washington)

Needless to say, it turned out that my condition was not a result of an injury or occupational disease.  However, my doctor says that he can see why I pursued my line of reasoning as it absolutely presented as a severely pinched nerve in my cervical spine.

Anyway, my plans for the rest of my life did not include loss of independence, work and income.  Nor did I plan to have to modify my home, lifestyle, you name it.  Wheelchairs, pillows, breathing tubes, and braces were not my accessories of choice.  There, I've said it.  That said, somebody's gotta get it, I guess.  And I'm fairly certain that nothing happens in God's world by mistake.  I intend to make the best of my situation and positively touch as many lives as possible.


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