Despair! I haven't blogged for days because I am ashamed to admit my feelings at this point in time. Up until recently, I have been surprised at my acceptance at having a terminal illness. I have been kind and considerate of other people's time, energy, and willingness. I have been patient until people can work me in. I have waxed eloquent when speaking publicly, citing how God has my back and holds me in the palm of His hand. But lately, I resemble something akin to Godzilla. I am frustrated when someone promises to do something for me and "forgets" to pick me up or changes their plans late in the game, not allowing me time to make new arrangements. When I was able-bodied, it was no big deal but today it means I don't get to eat, I run out of water, have to walk around in bedclothes, soil myself, or go without therapies that are critical to maintain what muscle mass I have left. My husband works the graveyard shift for a sheet metal outfit,...
One Woman's ALS Journey