I said it before and I'll say it again, I Have more fun with my daughter even when we do, not much. I never left my room, and yet, we covered a lot of ground. She transferred photos into my photo frames (a project backburnered for a month), ordered my eyeglasses online (backburnered 3 months), and sent out a customized Facebook campaign notice for the upcoming ALS Walk for a Cure. All while we visited and enjoyed each others company. Anyway, I enjoyed her company while I got to hear her stories of her life with her boyfriend and my grand dog. Apparently, my grand dog rides on their paddle boards and goes crazy barking whenever faced with sea lions and much to their horror, he jumps into the bay to attack. He's oblivious to his disadvantage with his diminutive size. They could gobble him down quick. Yeah, I still have a grand dog, no grandchild, yet. .Also, good news! My sister, Dawn, the one I keep at arms length, has a second chance at family life. Her daughter that she...
One Woman's ALS Journey