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Digest This!

I have a hole in my chest. Located right between my breasts. Yesterday, my husband got an eyeful, which he didn't ever count on seeing.

I had an appointment with a gut doc, otherwise known as a gastroenterologist, to get a new PEG tube installed. What an eyeopener. I was already anxious, sweating my previous visit where the doctor ripped the still-inflated PEG from my unmedicated chest, sending me into shock. I'm happy to report this visit went substantially better.

My caregivers told me that my Mic-Key style PEG, (percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy), or simply, feeding tube, closing flap was breaking off and likely needed replacement. They feared they wouldn't be able to use it to administer my liquids and medications.

Replacement of feeding tubes require a doctor's visit, not an easy task for an ALS patient in hospice; I require a ride in a cabulance and an attendant, familiar with myself, my particular needs, my communication system and it's idiosyncrasies, my current issues, And how to operate my motorized wheelchair. All of the above wasn't possible, so my husband had to take time off work to drive and facilitate the visit.

The eyeopener, I mentioned, was that this white plastic with an inflatable bulb on the end, which anchors the device in the body, was discolored black and missing the inflatable bulb, apparently digested away.  The thought truly grosses me out! I wonder what chemicals entered my already-ravaged body! Yikes!

Then came the pain of having the device inserted into the cavity three times, the last requiring a shove to fit snugly. Then the post-procedure discussion and discovering that replacement is recommended every 6 - 12 months. I'm guessing that I went somewhat longer than that.

What was great about my day, besides having the procedure over, I was out of my hospital bed, out of my hospice facility, and outside on a gorgeous Seattle day. Just the simple pleasure of a temperate breeze in my face, lungs filling with real, unadulterated air, and the invigorating feel of sunshine kissing my skin. Delicious!


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