I've been browsing my own blogposts to see what I was up to back in the early days of my blog. What I noted most was my use of photos. Unfortunately, I am unable to take new photographs, but I can access the ones loaded in my Tobii.
This picture of a dove perched atop a very old adobe wall, was taken in Oceanside, California at a mission. The Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, built in 1798, otherwise known as the King of the Missions. This beautifully weathered wall, located south of the mission, in the Lavandaria.
I've been particularly proud of the peaceful, warm nature of this photograph.
This picture of a dove perched atop a very old adobe wall, was taken in Oceanside, California at a mission. The Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, built in 1798, otherwise known as the King of the Missions. This beautifully weathered wall, located south of the mission, in the Lavandaria.
I've been particularly proud of the peaceful, warm nature of this photograph.
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