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Bug Tussel*

   My daughter is the pride of my life.

She amazes me continually. She is strong, so much stronger than myself, at the same age. I've seen her do a yoga move that has her balancing on one hand, while she looks as if she's sitting cross-legged, suspended in midair. She is lithe. She does yoga poses on the paddleboard. One foot planted on the board, the other drawn up gracefully behind her, and held aloft, while the other hand poised high. All while balancing in the bay.

She is mentally strong. I saw her end a 6-year long love relationship that she decided wasn't working for her anymore. Then go on to maintain a cordial relationship in the aftermath. Who does that?! It's character assassination, no hateful backward glances. Nothing but a status change on Facebook. She went out rented a new apartment, ordered up new furnishings online, arranged for friends to help her move out, then pulled the trigger on the deal. Then she went about the business of reforging her path.

She is smart. Her intelligence astounds me and has since her high school days. In a complete role reversal, she helped me with my college algebra while she was doing calculus. Actually, I've been in her thrall since
birth. Has there ever been a more gifted child? An APGAR score of 9, (10 is reserved for doctor's babies or so I was told). I hold a snapshot in my mind of my baby girl, perched atop the commode, reading her daddy's Wooden Boat Magazine, when she stunned us as she sounded out "Qual-i-ty crafts-man-ship". We were not even aware she could read! My 4-year old had been sand-bagging us. She's been surprising us ever since.

She is a beauty.Truly. Like the most beautiful, and least nauseating, she's the last to believe it. She could be a centerfold in the now-passe men's magazine, Playboy. But she would dismissively laugh at the thought and chide me for thinking like a creep.

Personality plus, you better believe it!  Wielding incisive wit and a positive sunny outlook, She is surprisingly well-grounded. Kind and loving, great with children, spoiling them rotten. Just ask her bestie from middle school. She babysits two nights a week so her bestie can continue her education.
As you may be aware, I have ALS, amyotrophic lateral  sclerosis, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's disease. As such I am well into my fourth year, paralyzed and in a hospice care facility. In all of that time, she visits me every two months, despite residing two states away! She home bakes cookies and never fails to bring me new treats, photos, stories, and news.

Dried hibiscus flowers are my hands-down favorite, followed by "Crack Cubes", otherwise known as coconut, pomegranate, pumpkin seed nuggets. Ostrich and alligator jerky are weird enough to scratch my foodie itch.

She's even managed to give me surrogate grandkids, in the form of two beautiful, spirited, socially-sensitive children of her best friend.They're enthusiastic Team Tina supporters, my ALS Walk to raise money and awareness to find a cure.  The three year old boy popped off with "Tell your mom to get her butt here." He said this out of the blue while my daughter was making some dinner as she babysat one night. God bless the little children! He is blissfully unaware of the reality of my life with ALS. But this little angel, wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajamas, is thinking about me. And do not get me started on the precious
video of the two cherubs, he and his 6-year old sister, holding hands and saying We love you Tina! 

Life is good.

* "Bug Tussel" was one of the many nicknames, or term of endearment, we bestowed on our baby girl.


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