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 Have you ever used the internet to look up an old flame? How about an old arch-enemy? Did you have the intention to reconnect? Me neither.

Have we finished telling lies, yet?

I just creeped the Facebook page of my first. I feel ya, you're askin',   Your first whut?  My first you know...   Oh no we don't.   My first guy.   Your first guy who became your boyfriend?   No, I cannot classify this guy as friend. Although, I thought he was at the time.   Your first guy who became a plumber? ...serial killer? ...barista? ...Geek Squad member? ...woman?   I sense your impatience with this silliness.

My first "parting of the waters" guy.   That first. Why the frownie face?   He left me in a condition that nearly cost me my young life and never called to check on me the next day. I was strapped to a gurney, hauled by ambulance to the Long Beach Naval Hospital, transfused, and made to spend the night.

I don't know about you but, I found it particularly embarrassing to have a young male doctor, all up in my business with the hot lights on, asking me if it really was my first time? I thought I'd die from humiliation. Then my mother and stepfather arrive and I hear about how my mom found me on the bathroom floor, white as a sheet.  

The next day I was discharged and given a gift, my parents brought me my guy. I wish I could report that my happiness was sustained for longer than the next hour but the blush fled soon after entering my parent's back seat. Where he informed me, icily, That will never happen again.  If he said anything else it was lost on me. I was too busy trying not to cry through more humiliation.

I would learn later that my stepfather hunted him down, finding him at the basketball court. He was pressured into accompanying my parents to the hospital to pick me up. He probably experienced a small measure of the humiliation that was being fed to me. True to his word, that  never happened again, in fact, I never saw him again...until tonight.

My guy,  for want of a better word, has found a modicum of fame as an artist. Gone are those beautiful surfer locks that captured my attention on the basketball court of the local  Boy's Club. But time will have it's way with a body. I hope he matured enough to realize how wrong he was to hurt a girl so deeply and personally.


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