About a dozen years ago, I received a box of beautifully hand-crocheted pastel granny squares partially pieced together by my husband's ex-mother-in-law's mother. This box languished in the depths of my closet until about a few months ago when I decided it was more likely to receive my attention if I brought it forth to the light of day. I looked at it each week until one day - enthusiasm struck. I was going to finish this WIP even if it did belong to someone else. Initially, I thought to give it to a young expectant couple in my husband's family but as I held this project in my hands, I imagined a different scenario.
I felt that Marie would want a member of her family to receive this precious gift. I became enamored of the idea that one new unsuspecting member of Marie's family which she would never meet, could be swaddled and comforted in her creation and by extension, perhaps even in her arms. I imagined that one day perhaps someone could finish one of my WIP's for me to pass on to a loved one after my own death.
I felt a sense of love, tenderness, and caring when I passed the completed blanket back to Marie's daughter to determine whom would receive this gift. My part is over now and I know not where it will land but I am certain it will be exactly where it's supposed to be. I feel blessed for this opportunity to be a link in the chain.
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