Today was the day of my annual physical. I have been tortured by depression and racked with guilt. I finally marched into my doctor and laid it all out to her - all of the ugliness of emotion. She ran all of the tests and wouldn't you depression has a root cause. It was physical. I had a pretty serious vitamin D deficiency. Good Lord!
I had heard that people in the Pacific Northwest were likely candidates but could I really have it? I thought not. Boy, was I ever wrong. This has been one of the coldest springs on record for this area and my house is shaded on two sides by tall trees. I'm growing a lawn of moss on my rooftop for goodness sake! Heck yes I could have it! I'm starting a routine of taking 8,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day and what a turnaround my mood has taken. My feelings of worthlessness and self-pity are disappearing. I don't seem to have to keep "winding myself up" like they talk about on the TV commercials touting drug therapies. I was almost convinced that I was going to have to go on anti-depressants.
Thank you , thank you, thank you. I am so happy to feel like my perseverance has paid off. I kept thinking that drugs were not the answer and worried about chemical enslavement. Woo-hoo. Let's hear it for modern medicine.
And if that's not enough...I learned that my plantar fasciaitis may have an alternative cure as well. My doctor knows a massage therapist who specializes in this painful condition. I'll keep you posted on whether or not this works.
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