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Recreational Therapy Assessment

At Bailey Boushay House, they want to get to know us (patients) better, so they ask us in this assessment...

Preferred Names:   Tina (It's a perfectly good name, why lie?)

Life's Work:  Accountant, Executive Assistant (Let's face it, Awesome Super Hero with Ninja Skills isn't a thing.)

Favorite Music: Rock, Pop, Country, Reggae, Alternative, Oldies, Christmas, Funk, New Age, Contemporary Christian, Cllassical, (What have I missed?) I do love me some Katy Perry, Pink, Pink Floyd, Florida Georgia Line, Nine Inch Nails, Beyonce', Usher, Counting Crows, Bob Marley...

Favorite Music To Relax To: Harp, Classical

Favorite Movies: Under the Tuscan Sun, Heaven Is For Real, Joe's Apartment

Favorite TV Shows: House of Cards, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, House, Highway Through Hell, Insane WX, Alaska: The Last Frontier, The Talk

Favorite Books: Gone Girl, Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, my own photobooks

Favorite Sports: Seahawks football, NASCAR, Mariner's baseball

Favorite Color: Red (my signature color) And spring green (my signature color). And royal purple (my signature color).

Favorite Foods: Sushi, mushroom soup, Gai Yang, Injera & Gomen Tibbs, Pad Thai, Sweet & Sour Pork, Orange Chicken, Pot Stickers, Teriyaki Chicken, Pumpkin Flower Quesedilla, Sweet Corn Tamales, Posole', Enchiladas Verde', Guacamole', Carnitas, Carne' Asada, mizithra and browned butter with fresh pasta, Calamari, Shrimp, Lobster, fine chocolate, Trophy cupcakes, Starbucks chai tea latte, (I could go on all day!)

Favorite Places: Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Mt. Rainier National Park, Banff Provincial Park, Haleakala National Park, Mau

Things That Are Important To Me: Know that I am intelligent (despite my other disabilities), my daughter, my husband, clean & neat surroundings, beauty, delicious & healthy fare

Communication Tips: Ask me a yes no question. When I speak, repeat back to me so I know you heard me correctly, Allow me to use my Tobii (learn how to adjust it for me) and give me a chance to communicate to you.

Achievements of Which I'm Proud: Mother of Jennifer, 2001 United Way Campaign Coordinator of the Year, Sober for 18+ years.Earned a college degree with honors after 40.

Room Preferences: Clean & neat, bed made daily with bedspread and all pillows atop, blinds turned open, rolling table at the door side of the room. Tobii, wheelchair, and iPad charged nightly.

.Things that make me laugh: bodily functions (i.e. burps, farts, sharts, queefs...) If an 8-year-old boy finds it funny...

Things that stress me out:  Not being listened to, Not being heard, Not being understood. Not being able to access my accessibility tools (tobii, wheelchair, iPad, internet). Messy room, sloppy clothes, lost clothing, poor hygiene, institutional taste-free or off-taste food, theft, neglect, abandonment, unfair treatment.  (All the crap I had to deal with last year.) Not being treated with dignity and respect.

Favorite Ways to Relax: Watch porn. (Just checking to see if you're paying attention!) Watch television and movies, not porn. Listen to audiobooks, music, and podcasts. Have books read to me. Scroll FaceBook. Post on FaceBook,, and Yelp. Fiddle with my photographs.

Allergies/Food Dislikes: Alcohol, Boiled okra

Favorite Activities /Hobbies: Audiobooks, movies, photography, photobooking, blogging, FaceBooking, getting hair/make-up/nails done, knitting and crocheting vicariously through others (since I can no longer do so), Review books on,. Harley clothing enthusiast (since I can no longer ride my own). Kitty and puppy enthusiast.

Outdoors: I'm for it! I used to hike and vacation in Yellowstone. I LOVE the outdoors.

Horticulture: My husband and I raised dahlias and had several gardens. I still own a tractor that does not run and a Mantis I can't use.

Animals: bring 'em on! Love them, one and all!  I had two cats, a cockatiel, a cow, three goats, four chickens, and still have a grand dog and a grand cat.

Community Service: 2001 United Way Campaign Coordinator of the Year, United Way Leadership Giver, ALS Walk, Autism Speaks Walk

Games: Scattergories, Mexican Train dominoes, Mahjongg, Scrabble, Boggle, Bookworm

Writing: Poetry (as a teen), creative writing and research persuasive writing in college (2004), blogging since 2009

Computer:  I have an iPad, a tobii, an HP, and a Dell, Dude! And an external harddrive full of photos.


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