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Exercise and Protocol Pays Off

Today was "Meet with the Dietitian" day for me at the U of W immediately following water aerobics.  My husband packed up all the pills and potions and off to the Emerald City we went.  We shared about the Blood Type Diet, massage therapy, water aerobics, and the Deanna Protocol and the recent positive changes with regard to strength and energy gains.  She introduced us to for food, water, and exercise tracking.  My husband was disappointed as he had other expectations but it went about how I expected.  I kind of know what I'm doing as I do the research prior to committing to a new modality or treatment.  Poor guy, he's regretting the bill already but he doesn't trust me...therefore, he pays.

We hit the 5 Spot up on Queen Anne for a late lunch where I had my first Black Bean Burger.  It was "the Bomb"!  Not a gut bomb.  Served up piping hot with avocado on a soft bun with a green salad and Pickled Onion and Pepper side.  It was a welcome diversion following the reality of the hospital.  We walked in to a MediSpa on the way to the car and discovered that we can get a Glutathione IV "push" at $65-a-pop when we are ready.  Geez!  I'm supposed to get this once per week?!  Argh!

 Deanna Protocol Dosages and Progress Report-Out - DAY 10

AAKG 18 g (full dose)
AKG  300 mg caps x 8 = 2400 mg (missed a few hourly doses)
Glutathione 175 mg x 6 = 1050 mg (full dose)
NADH 40 mg (full dose)
GABA 500 mg (full dose)
CoQ10 200 mg (full dose)
B Complex (full dose)
Bee Propolis 500 mg (full dose)
5-HTP 50 mg (full dose)
Creatine 800 mg (879 mg is full dose)
Cysteplus 500 mg (full dose)
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg (full dose)
Glycine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Magnesium 400 mg (full dose)
Methyl Folic Acid 2 mg (full dose)
Neurochondria 3 capsules (full dose)
Phosphatidycholine 1,680 mg (full dose)
Taurine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Theanine 200 mg (full dose)
Vitamin D3 5,000 iu (full dose)

In addition, I take one 5-mg Oxybutrynin (generic for Ditrapan) for urge incontinence, 2 capsules Probiotic 10 (containing 10 Probiotic Strains and 20 billion live cultures), 2 capsules 200-mg Advil Liqui-Gels Ibuprofen (NSAID) pain reliever, and 2 capsules 300-mg Gabapentin.

 I got full doses of Cysteplus, Neurochondria, Glutathione, and NADH.  I am still tolerating the protocol well with minimal stomach issues.  However, I have noted an increase in large muscle cramps in the backs of my thighs, calves, and in my right foot, particularly upon awakening and during water aerobic stretches. Urge incontinence still kicking up anxiety as I race to the restroom and struggle getting my pants down. (weak hands)

I continue drinking LOTS of liquids: water, ECO-drink, and AAKG-spiked cranberry-raspberry juice. No nausea nor upset.  I'm still walking stronger with an improved gait and I am relying on my cane less and less.  I have some strength gains to report: Since the end of January I had not been able to use foam "barbells" in my right hand for lack of grip but would try and generally floated my weak hand/arm on the water surface.  However, today my "can't" turned into "I can!" as I was able to grit my teeth and submerge that barbell and had control over it.  This is a huge win for me, my massage therapist, my water aerobics instructor, the Deanna Protocol, etc!  And I will take it and say, "Thank You God!".  


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