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Deanna Protocol - Day Four + Life

Today is my husband's birthday.  It is also the day that the ALSA representative pays us a visit. (Not a good combination.)  My husband is a huge procrastinator and something of a spoiled brat.  The trouble is that the house is a mess and I'm supposed to be conserving energy.  Yeah!  You guessed it, while he watched westerns all morning, I managed to do water aerobics then break all the rules desperately trying to clean my neglected house.  Eventually he got with the program but after an hour he's a dawdling little kid and guess who gets to be "the heavy"?  Me.  It's a quarter til and she's due any second he resents the crap out of me about now but the freakin' place is presentable...and I am exhausted!  Wah!

Okay, the visit was a pleasure and hugely positive.  We learned of more resources available, specifically where to buy a PenAgain (r), as well as a retrofit bidet toilet seat.  We also got a lot of validation about changes we've made (and will make) regarding the house, gadgets we are employing, and durable medical equipment ALSA has loaned to us.

Post-visit we headed to Salty's to switch the focus onto my long-suffering husband and meet up with his brother and his wife.  We caught happy hour and scarfed up some bargain fish & chips, chowder, virgin coladas, and indulged in a creme brulee' and a delightful piece of cake compliments of Salty's.  Turned into a better day!

More supplements are due to arrive today and I'm still progressing towards full dosages.  I will focus on progress and not perfection.  In addition to my routine medications of Advil LiquiGels, Probiotic 10, Gabapentin, and a Ditrapan, I took:

AAKG 12 g (over half a dose)
NAHD 40 mg (full dose)
GABA 500 mg (full dose)
CoQ10 200 mg (full dose)
B Complex (full dose)
Bee Propolis 500 mg (full dose)
5-HTP 50 mg (full dose)
Creatine 800 mg
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg (full dose)
Glycine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Magnesium 400 mg (full dose)
Methyl Folic Acid 2 mg (full dose)
Phosphatidycholine 1,680 mg (full dose)
Taurine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Theanine 200 mg (full dose)
Vitamin D3 5,000 iu (full dose)

I would be comfortable saying my energy is good.  I doubt that I would have had the stamina to clean house, visit, then go out for a celebratory meal without the boost that the Deanna Protocol is giving me as well as the water aerobics, and paying attention to my diet.  I'm making a real effort to avoid items on the 'Avoid' list for Type A.


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