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Aerobics, Manicures, and Massages for Health!

Busy day!  My day began by picking up my mother to head off to water aerobics.  My husband is great about "returning the favor" and most Mondays  Wednesdays  and Fridays my sister, Renee', the one with 3rd stage multiple myeloma (cancer), drives my mom and I down to the local pool to participate in this invigorating activity.  This particular Monday she's got chemotherapy and cannot participate.

My girlfriend, Judy, did show up to workout.  What a treat!  Also, my new friend, Carol, whom I met at the pool, who has Neuromyelitis Optica (another paralyzing, degenerative disease), was also there and I got to be "of service" to her by lending her a stabilizing arm for certain exercises.  What a surprise, I'm not so stable out of the water but in the water...I'm a rock.  LOL!  Carol is a great person, she's a former social worker who has a wealth of knowledge of resources and is willing to share.  It's always good to see her.

Following aerobics, we got manicures and pedicures, as we were waaaaaaaay past due.  It's incredible how wonderful and feminine those pretty shiny nails make us feel.  And it's a great way to connect with my mom.

Next on my list was a trip to the massage therapist for a thorough working over of my arms, focusing on the gimpy right arm.  Manual Ligament Therapy and Arthromassage are working wonders for me.  Arlene of Badgerhawk Massage is employing an eclectic approach and performing a case study on me to see how PALS respond to certain modalities.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky!

Deanna Protocol Dosages and Progress Report-Out - DAY 8

AAKG 18 g (full dose)
AKG  300 mg caps x 6 = 1800 mg (missed a few hourly doses)
Glutathione 50 mg x 3 = 150 mg (1050 mg is full dose)
NAHD 20 mg (1/2 dose)
GABA 500 mg (full dose)
CoQ10 200 mg (full dose)
B Complex (full dose)
Bee Propolis 500 mg (full dose)
5-HTP 50 mg (full dose)
Creatine 800 mg (879 mg is full dose)
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg (full dose)
Glycine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Magnesium 400 mg (full dose)
Methyl Folic Acid 2 mg (full dose)
Phosphatidycholine 1,680 mg (full dose)
Taurine 1,000 mg (full dose)
Theanine 200 mg (full dose)
Vitamin D3 5,000 iu (full dose)

In addition, I take 1 5-mg Oxybutrynin (generic for Ditrapan) for urge incontinence, 2 capsules Probiotic 10 (containing 10 Probiotic Strains and 20 billion live cultures), 2 capsules 200-mg Advil Liqui-Gels Ibuprofen (NSAID) pain reliever, and 2 capsules 300-mg Gabapentin.

I ran out of NADH again but the new bottle shows up tomorrow thus only 1/2 dosage taken.  I am still tolerating the protocol well with minimal stomach issues.  My urinary urge incontinence is driving me crazy and my stools are soft but not loose. I am drinking LOTS of liquids: water, ECO-drink, and AAKG-spiked juices. No nausea nor upset.  I'm walking stronger with an improved gait and relying on my can less.  My strength feels like it is up a tic or two as well.  My stamina seems increased on days that I participate in water aerobics.


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