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Road Trip!

On the road again… We left our home at 2 o'clock in the morning on August 30. We are Ohio and Virginia bound to see my father and stepmother as well as my 88-year old uncle.  We plan on making many stops along the way...Glacier Natl Park, Mt. Rushmore, among others.  

What's unique about this trip is that it is being made on a shoestring budget, in a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan VMI (wheelchair conversion) van hauling a woman with ALS,  We are loaded up with all the requisite paraphernalia including power wheelchair, manual wheelchair, bedside commode, multiple pillows, my Deanna Protocol meds, prescription meds, clothes, and other crapola.

A couple of rest area naps and a bank stop in Spokane.  Reluctantly we bypass "Pig Out in the Park" to stay on course for Missoula where Tom Beaudette is "keeping the light on for us".  A handicap-accessible room awaits and we actually have a confirmed reservation.  Not our norm.  A shower will be the humidity is dripping as we crest 4th of July pass.  Whew!

We bypass gorgeous Lake Coeur d'Alene pocked with small watercraft tied to log booms awaiting their Hydroplane Holiday weekend as well as the picturesque Cataldo Mission.  Pitstop in Kellogg to mail some bills...wishing I could ride the Silver Mountain Gondola.


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