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Morning Routine

The morning brings routine. Flat on my back, raised at a 45-degree angle with a plastic mask strapped to my face providing air support and sucking all the moisture from my mouth and throat. This time I'm panicky because the mask slipped in the night and is stealing my air and blowing air into my eyes. What's more is I pressed my call button ten minutes ago and wonder how long I could survive if this had been an actual emergency. Luckily this situation is more nuisance than substance.

Next comes the question of the day, "What do you want to wear today?  which gets my mental gears going. What day of the week is this? Believe it or not, it matters to me. Tuesday and Thursday bring regular visitors from my years of attending sober meetings. These are some of my truest friends and I like to look nice for them but not too dressy. Sunday I like to dress up for the Lord's day. If I have an appointment...You get the jist. Also, What's the weather going to be? Then I have to remember what I have and where it might be located and what is the liklihood of it being returned from the laundry. Then it's time for action...Ready or not, here it comes...Brief change and roll me over, hang my legs over the side and pendelum me to a sitting position. Clothing on while balanced on the bedside...Easier said than done. A sling is fitted behind my back and under my arms being careful not to raise my damaged left shoulder. I'm attached to a Liko Sabrina II sit-to-stand lift which stands me up and allows an aide to easily transfer me to my wheelchair.

Positioning is key and getting harder to do each day. At one time I took pride in being able to turn myself almost upside down in my wheelchair and scootch myself back on the cushion. Then right myself again. Nowadays, my arms aren't strong enough to defy gravity and I get stuck while upside down. Once I'm situated, I am ready for my morning ablutions with assistance. Hair combed, taking great care to remove strays, and pull back from my face. Remember one errant hair can cause big problems, from irritating itches to choking incidents. Eye washing with baby shampoo to keep my eyes in shape for eye gaze technology on my alternative and augmentative (AAC) device. On my best days I get lucky enough to get make-up applied. Foundation with moisturizer and sunscreen, I view as an essential, keeping my skin moist and itch-free. Unfortunately, I'm in the minority here at the home. But, hey, I am well-loved here so I get made up most days. Now, oral hygiene...That is a bigger challenge! Why aren't CNAs taught how to brush and floss their charges teeth? This should be easy but it doesn't seem to be. I'm truly lucky to get that done once per day. Thankfully that's a task my husband doesn't mind doing for me.

Are you exhausted? I might be. Especially if it's shower day! Getting through the morning routine can be torturous if they decide to throw a new aide in the mix. Don't laugh, it happens more often than they would care to admit. Now I'm off to breakfast where only God knows who will be feeding me.


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