The social worker here at the facility commented that my adjustment to life at Bailey Boushay seemed to go surprisingly smooth. I had to agree.Perhaps if this was the first nursing home I'd been to I wouldn't have the appreciation I have. I looked at the previous home as a prison. I think that more than ever. I did my best to be accepting of my lot in this life. When I landed at Life Care Center, I was abandoned and discarded by the very people I love and trust in this world. I had a tough "adjustment period". I don't think I ever truly felt great or safe or "at home". I kept trying to fit a square peg (me) into a round hole (LCCFW). What's more, is that when they came back into my life, they chose to discount my complaints and pleas for help. Whether it was due to their ignorance (of the peculiarities of my disease), or their own denial (lack of acceptance), it was still heart-wrenching on my end. I was virtually alone, save for my friends in re...
One Woman's ALS Journey