I've been around the program of Alcoholics Anonymous long enough to know that the motivation is not purely altruistic. They get insurance of another day of sobriety; they get the opportunity to live their lives happy, joyous, and free. Even though, they have their choice of many venues to acheive this goal; they could attend any meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, work with a sponsee, work with a sponsor, or any other person for the purpose of recovery. Heck, they could go take a meeting to another person confined to a nursing home, hospital, or in a recovery center, or incarcerated in a jail or prison. But, they spend time and resources to come to bring a meeting to me.
I am grateful. I am honored. I am fortunate. I am in awe of their commitment, their tenacity, the degree of their dedication. I truly do not know if I would have done the same. That they are a core group of old-timers increases my awe and gratitude. Note: the term "old-timers" is indicative of time in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous working the steps. Through their experience, strength, and hope, I derive continued strength and hope to get through my experience of dying with dignity sober. Note: my use of the term "death with dignity" is not a euphemism for suicide in the face of a terminal illness. I will be passing on "au natural" or possibly with a bit of morphine on board to ease the pain. I'm no hero.
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