So April showers may bring May flowers but I'm already getting some budding and blooming in my yard.
Azaleas, Hyacinths, and Tulips. Oh My! Technically, the tulips have yet to bloom but I'm so tickled with the healthy growth of the sinuous green leaves popping four inches out of the ground that I'm giddy with anticipation. I was delighted to find hyacinths emerging and blooming out of an abandoned pot from last year and last but, not least, is the pink explosion of blooms that cover the dwarf azalea near my front door step. The dwarf rhody can't be far behind.
I'm so so SO ready for spring and just cannot believe that we are barely into March. The onset of spring is so exhilarating for me. I've hung on each and every yellow forsythia blooming around the neighborhood and nearly burst when I get an eyeful of pink or white cherry blossoms along the public streets. Washington state remains green due to our rainfall and evergreens but compared to spring and summertime, winter can seem a wasteland with downed wood, brown sword ferns, and decaying leaves. I'm not unappreciative of winter. It has it's perks but I'm just more than ready for vibrant color!
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