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Protocol Update

This is Day 14 for me on the Deanna Protocol.  Apparently an update was posted to the Winning the Fight website on February 24th and I neglected to check for recent versions until today.  The main change was the elimination of one of the expensive substances, NADH, for a lesser expensive and more effective one, Niacin (flush free).  While this is good news overall, I have a whole unopened package of the former.

My husband noticed that he was miscalculating dosages for me with regard to the folate.  It's easy to get emotional as it directly affects my health and this is the third product on the protocol he boo-booed on.  I figure this should be my responsibility but he is pretty darn possessive about it.  Truth be told it is nice to not be burdened with trying to open so many bottles each day but I do wish the surprises like that would end.  One other substance we can't seem to get right is the AKG capsules which must be taken every hour that I am awake.  An hourly chime would be awesome but not the egg timer he recently set beside me.  That damn thing about made me jump out of my skin.  Seriously, my heart cannot take it.  My hyper-reflexivity is a real issue.

Still tracking my food, water, and exercise on and sticking pretty close to the food choices on the Blood Type diet.  Tonight was Sockeye Salmon, Asparagus, and Green Salad.  Each day since tracking I've come under my calorie allotment.  I'm really hoping that the scale will soon tell the tale and find me a bit lighter.  My pants are incapable of telling the truth as most days I wear colored Green Tea sweatpants due to my urge incontinence.  Wish it weren't so.  And also with the loss of muscle control, I just pooch-out all over.  Sad, but true.

On a positive note, I mowed part of the lawn today.  My husband and I picked up the small fallen branches from the lawn, then he shoveled the tops off the mole mounds, filled the gas tank and pulled the ripcord.  Suffice it to say that I made progress.  It was by no means perfection as I wavered all over the yard.  No more straight lines.  This is the new normal.


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