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Acute muscle spasms wrack different parts of my body; I yawn and my throat goes into spasm, threatening to lockdown my voice box. When I tilt my head up to get my teeth brushed, my neck muscles clench shooting pain to the base of my skull. A tiny muscle has "given up the ghost" on the left side of my mouth, while the right side lifts baring my front teeth. My nose twitches but not in the cute Bewitched way.

Whenever I am moved down in bed, my chest spasms and I, spasmodically gasp and gulp for air. Speaking of my chest, there are two muscles that jiggle my breasts; now, those spasms are comedic. They seem to say, "Hey, lookie here!". A lot of good that would do!

Muscles in my arms, legs, and torso wiggle and jiggle countless times throughout the day. It's gotten so that I barely notice them, save for the largest ones that seem like I can measure on a seismograph. Reclining brings on a spontaneous stretch that, literally, curls my toes. Unfortunately, many quite often lock those toes and "charlie" my calves bilaterally.

It may sound like I have nothing but pain and discomfort; I don't. I manage to get along, narcotic-free, most of the time. Gabapentin (Neurontin) for nerve pain, Ibuprofen for pain relief, and a non-narcotic muscle relaxer, are my mainstays for functioning. Thus far, it works but I've been forced to use hydrocodone and morphine for short periods for breakthrough pain. Luckily, this has occurred only a few times. Occasionally, I've had to resort to a mild narcotic muscle relaxer, Tizanadine.


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