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Side of Stress, Please...

They say we have to conserve energy. Hah!  I suck at that. As a consequence, I crash at unexpected times. Yesterday was a typical example. I had a very stressful day without realizing it until the end of the day. I've been in the hospital since December 21st, it's now January 8th, and I am technically stable. Therefore, it's past time to find a new home.

OMG!  I've been through the wringer with regard to a well-rated skilled nursing facility. As a matter of fact, I was discharged to that SNF from this very hospital a year ago almost to the day. I chose it based upon a rating, it's location (the other option was Shoreline, far from my home), and it's marketing brochure touting fine dining (not), and a picturesque lake location. This well-rated skilled nursing facility was decorated for my grandmother or her mother. I was placed in a dark, dingy, private room overlooking a graffiti-emblazoned fence on a rundown home. Epic! I work my whole life, argue with a frugal husband for every home improvement, make my home tidy, tranquil,  and comfortable, and I end up in a neighborhood I wouldn't live in and in a room I'd be embarrassed of! This is only the beginning of a cavalcade of breaches and broken trusts. But, that's another story.

Anyway, I was stressed mulling over my options and not offered options. I was scheduled to tour a facility in Puyallup with a pulmonary unit. I had many misgivings, namely that it was in Puyallup, not exactly our stomping grounds. I knew in my heart, like Everett it was in a different county and it was unlikely family or friends would visit. Vitally important in what remains of my life. Also, we learned that I would not even be eligible for the pulmonary unit without being trached and vented. Seriously?!  WTF! Why are we here? We investigated the place with the Azteca-looking facade. The long-term unit was truly awful with it's tiny rooms and tiny tacky built-ins and opposing beds. Obviously, there would be zero privacy! And the common areas were horrible as well. No friggin escape from the nightmare!!  No wonder they had three cool ball-shaped aquariums... Draw attention away from the horror. I cried pitifully and hung my head in depression. How can we do this to our aged, disabled, sick, and dying?

Forgive them Lord cause they know not what they do.


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