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Begin the Awakening

1Reading, or more precisely, being read to, by a volunteer-turned-friend, "Awakening the Buddha Within", Is having a profound effect on my understanding and acceptance of myself in life.

While I've found some degrees of spiritual enlightenment on my path since discovering Alcoholics Anonymous twenty years ago, this book is jelling together my understandings of principles and my life experience. My recall on step one is sketchy, although I think I understand more of why I "failed" to achieve more traditional success during my lifetime. That is not to say that I was a failure. I was not.
I was not...So many things. I held a lot of jobs throughout my lifetime, the longest spanning four years working for a chiropractor as his assistant at a pivotal point in my life. My highest career achievement was working my way up from temporary office worker to Executive Assistant to the president of division of a global .aerospace company.  My most formative and fun jobs were in fast food. I've worked the counter at a dry-cleaner, tended bar, made pizza, counted tills, rented apartments, sold mortgages, dipped ice cream, wrenched and sold bicycles, prepared taxes, kept books, knitted, worked as a bank teller, built a business from the ground up, hired and fired personnel, wrote manuals, booked travel arrangements, purchased material and supplies, paid payables, collected receivables, conducted financial consultations, rotated stock, merchandised, cleaned houses, and built airplane parts

A wealth of experience, some might say. However, somewhere, I got a message that one's resume' should only have about two or three long-term job experiences or it was crap. I was always ashamed of my resume', consequently, I always aimed, relatively, low. Despite that, I worked in places like Hexcel Corporation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, I thought that length of employment or bouts of unemployment determined my worth as a person.

Now I feel as if the veil has been lifted from my eyes.All that I strove for was a lie. I was just Fine.   (unfinished)

Linerae, read that chapter to me once more.  I've forgotten the point of my great and wonderous epiphany. LOL!


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