Writer's block. So much to say but how do I say it? Melancholia. I was ready to go on time. Up and at 'em at 0745. Shower accomplished. Appropriate wear for a choir concert held in Shoreline. I shouldn't care but I do.
Snapped out of my funk when I chose to attend a music group. Rousing renditions of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Isreal "Iz" Kamiole and Cassidy and our own, Nadine set the tone. We "sang", Nadine carries the song, Jola soloed, I'm the human metronome until I tire, Trish puts in a good word, and the volunteers join in. So, we sang "Stand By Me", "Lean On Me", "Under The Boardwalk", and "Sunshine On My Shoulders". And Nadine improvised a personalized summertime blues, including all of us. One cannot help having their spirits bouyed to a better place.
One good decision leads to another. Next, I was blessed with Elizabeth, a sweet volunteer, who read "Awakening the Buddha Within" to me. I learned that I can have Buddha within and remain Christian. It does not mean that I'm Buddhist. I also learned what Dharma is...Support. I wonder sometimes they think as they read my selections...
Oh, I forgot to tell you that preceding my wise changes, I said a little prayer... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Snapped out of my funk when I chose to attend a music group. Rousing renditions of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Isreal "Iz" Kamiole and Cassidy and our own, Nadine set the tone. We "sang", Nadine carries the song, Jola soloed, I'm the human metronome until I tire, Trish puts in a good word, and the volunteers join in. So, we sang "Stand By Me", "Lean On Me", "Under The Boardwalk", and "Sunshine On My Shoulders". And Nadine improvised a personalized summertime blues, including all of us. One cannot help having their spirits bouyed to a better place.
One good decision leads to another. Next, I was blessed with Elizabeth, a sweet volunteer, who read "Awakening the Buddha Within" to me. I learned that I can have Buddha within and remain Christian. It does not mean that I'm Buddhist. I also learned what Dharma is...Support. I wonder sometimes they think as they read my selections...
Oh, I forgot to tell you that preceding my wise changes, I said a little prayer... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
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