Before it reaches crisis level, I need my caregivers to be aware of my respiratory needs.
Currently, they enter my room and apply Purrell antibacterial to their hands. Great practice for infection control! Bad impact to someone with limited breathing abilities. The compromise is to rub in the antibacterial thoroughly prior to entering the room. That way, the fumes are minimized. My speech therapist also said that soap and water is another alternative. I agree.
Other irritants include perfumes, sprays, and powders. Anything that emits a chemical or is propelled into the air can steal away my breathe. For that matter, even too many flowers can leave me struggling to breath deeply.
I've had to ask that my room be mopped only when I'm not in it. While I love my air freshener, Febreeze, it must be used judiciously; aiming toward the floor. Talc or powder must be shaken into caregiver's hand, away from my face, then applied to me.
And, please don't use these admissions to make sweeping changes or blanket rules. Life has to remain worth living
Currently, they enter my room and apply Purrell antibacterial to their hands. Great practice for infection control! Bad impact to someone with limited breathing abilities. The compromise is to rub in the antibacterial thoroughly prior to entering the room. That way, the fumes are minimized. My speech therapist also said that soap and water is another alternative. I agree.
Other irritants include perfumes, sprays, and powders. Anything that emits a chemical or is propelled into the air can steal away my breathe. For that matter, even too many flowers can leave me struggling to breath deeply.
I've had to ask that my room be mopped only when I'm not in it. While I love my air freshener, Febreeze, it must be used judiciously; aiming toward the floor. Talc or powder must be shaken into caregiver's hand, away from my face, then applied to me.
And, please don't use these admissions to make sweeping changes or blanket rules. Life has to remain worth living
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