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Disrespected, Again...

It's 10 pm, I've accomplished nothing to speak of. I watched one movi, "The One I Love", a Twilight Zone-esque story on a couple trying to reconcile. And, one television show, "Running Wild with Bear Grylles" guest starring Channing Tatum. OMG!!! And, I ate some dinner. Tonight was chicken gumbo, chili, cornbread, oatmeal cookies and ice cream.

Not much of a day. Nope. I was looking forward to my husband's visit but when he called at 5 pm, he mentioned that he was in Ritzville (by Spokane) working on his trailer with Darryl (the other jerk that took my cruise without me).  I do not begrudge my husband having a life away from me. However, as I keep telling him, I don't appreciate being purposefully left out of loop and disrespected by being left waiting for his disrespectful ass. Any questions?


  1. Hi, really like your blog, especially how honest you area about the realities of ALS. Sometimes the ALS warrior becomes ALS angel nauseates me but I get that it is important for many dealing with ALS. I see it as eating a bigger crap sandwich today than I had yesterday, all the time knowing there is a bigger one waiting for me tomorrow!
    All the best
    (AKA Tommy Maker from PLM)

  2. Roch, I remember you from PLM! How goes the war on your front? I appreciate your comments. Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting into the wind. But I need this outlet to maintain sanity (if I ever had any). I couldn't bear another pious ALS is a wonderful club blog, either. My experience has been horrendous and hilarious and everything in between. I found that family did not have my back and our government doesn't give a shit about us. Still, I have to laugh else I'll cry. Keep in touch!
    Tina Roch, I remember you from PLM! How goes the war on your front? I appreciate your comments. Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting into the wind. But I need this outlet to maintain sanity (if I ever had any). I couldn't bear another pious ALS is a wonderful club blog, either. My experience has been horrendous and hilarious and everything in between. I found that family did not have my back and our government doesn't give a shit about us. Still, I have to laugh else I'll cry. Keep in touch!


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