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Grafton Novels and Me .

I've read Sue Grafton mystery novels from A - W. I've devoured them within the last few years one after the other since finally acting upon a recommendation from an acquaintance at water aerobics. I immediately connected with her protagonist, Kinsey Millhone. Not because I'm like her but because I admire her. She's a loner. Confident but not arrogant. Fit but not a super-healthy eater. Runs her own business, supports herself, doesn't need a man. Decent integrity, but not unrealistically virtuous. I like that she can and will pick a lock when it's right but not necessarily when it's legal.

I don't get her aversion to pets and children but it works for her character. I liked her observations and eventual acceptance of Ed the cat. It's beyond me why she didn't snap up the gorgeous Chaney and dump the commitment-phobe P.I. But I appreciate her not simpering about for a man. I like her habits, non-smoker, light drinker, tidy, industrious, and light exerciser.

I have not been as confident in my abilities. I've always had to have a safety net. Always had to have a mate. I never felt complete alone. I always used my mate as a mirror. If they were good, I was good. If they were desireable, then so was I. I've never been a loner but I learned how to be alone. A skill, I attained through practice at the behest of women in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. They called it "getting comfortable in your own skin". Kinsey didn't have to do that. In fact, she doesn't appear to have a drinking problem. Hella nice for her!

Kinsey doesn't have an eating problem or weight problem. She exercises regularly enough to stay in shape to do her job well. She relies on her wits and solves problems. I did that, too. I was no slacker, still not. I drive people nuts now that I cannot do for myself. I have high expectations. Kinsey allows people to be who they are. I have trouble with that. I'm upset that people don't visit me, particularly family. I hold it against them. On the eating front, I'm a foodie! And I've struggled with my weight and self-image my whole life.

I've also been tidy and industrious. Difficulty dealing with not-so-tidy caregivers in my space. I've really had to cultivate a greater degree of patience than ever before. Anyway, no great earth-shattering message here. Just some musings about one of my favorite characters and me. By the way, I just finished listening to "Kinsey and Me" by Sue Grafton. Very illuminating peek at a favored author.


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