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Assessing Stalker Behavior

"If I don't tell my truth then the world has naught but lies to believe about me. "     ---Tina Flink

I have another FaceBook stalker. Surprise surprise, it's my biological sister's best friend doing the same thing she did last year.  Verbally bash me on my FaceBook wall. She has taken over where my abusive sister left off. I had to remove myself from my sister's life for the same behavior earlier this year when I was in the medical ICU and a mere two days after dodging the final bullet. There is no excuse for that kind of no class behavior to another human being.

In the interest seeing where I may have first harmed her, bringing this hatred upon myself, I have sat down in quiet contemplation, asking God to direct my thinking. The following is what I came up with: The following is what I came up with:   She's never been my cup of tea but I always granted her the right to be her tacky self. After all, we are all different and she was a great match for my equally tacky sister. Live and let live, was my attitude. And I ended up enjoying some aspects of her through the years.  What is incredible is her husband did not much like my sister and her victim behavior and the way she treated her husband and put an end to their relationship.

Beverly, that's her name and all I will disclose at this time, called me and made a pitch for me to ostracize my own sister "for her own good". Interesting modus operandi...Feels familiar.  Anyway, back to my behavior.  Well, maybe she was aware of my feelings toward her. I am allowed to have my feelings and choosing not to turn my back on my sister at that time, while she may have taken offense, it was not my fight. I think I'm clean there.

When I found out her husband died, I was right there to offer support and called my sister to relay the situation if she wanted to mend fences. She did and they did. I facilitated the reuniting of two friends. I feel noble about that. Again, clean.

She came on a couple of co-vacations with me and my husband, my sister and brother-in-law.  Again, I will admit it  I was less than enthusiastic about her coming along but so was the brother-in-law. She's bit much. At no time, did I make her feel unwanted. I would not have been rude to her nor wanted her to feel like a third wheel. Besides, she was more fun at times than my sister. When my sister got tired her veneer would peel off and we'd have to deal with sullen, surly five-year-old Dawn. Beverly could redirect her. I appreciated that. So did my husband and the brother-in-law.

I don't get it. Except that she is big on blasting me when I state horrible and true things about my husband. Me thinks she doth protest too much.  She must be crushing on him. That is great. He can't stand her vulgarity. What the Hell, abusers deserve each other.

Now I may owe her an amends but, I'm not quite that spiritually evolved.

See? Not perfect. .


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